BREAST CANCER, CHILD LEUKAEMIA and PROSTATE CANCERSBreast cancer is CLAIMED TO BE the most commonly occurring cancer in women worldwide
It is the second most common cause of death from cancer among females
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) accounts for 10-15% of all breast cancers
There are currently no clinically effective targeted treatments for TNBC. Bullshit! ( DEBATABLE? BEE VENOM? HAS KNOWN POSITIVE SUCCESSFUL RESULTS, CHECK IT OUT YOURSELVES, please research Dr Duffy, UWA "University of Western Australia", Breast cancer Tumours and Bee Venom/Sting)
Likewise, Bee Venom has been used successfully in curbing Prostate Cancers I understand, as it is ALSO recognized in aiding Leukemia
Is Perth W.A. the Australian Capital of AVOIDABLE Child Leukaemia?
Just how much could have been PREVENTED in Australia?For the wimps and frail Public Servants easily offended, perhaps claiming a month off sick due to claimed stress after reading alleged offensive script, POSSIBLY SOON TO BE DEEMED "MISINFORMATION, BY THE CRIMINALLY NEGLIGENT", capital's; MY Capitals;
ARE purely and simply ENGLISH LANGUAGE emphasis, so to,,, any underlining
, bold print or italics
I REALLY am NOT shouting.Further, I am very sorry that I have neither the time nor ability to produce a better Website, to convey the information regarding these Cancers, should you be inclined to whinge or be critical of my limited ability to save your Friends and Families, why not create the better venue that you envisage and potentially save a few Babies and breasts yourself?
Royal Commission?.In a Nutshell, nothing short of a Royal Commission into Breast/ Prostate Cancers & Child Leukaemia will ever bring the Government or Bureaucracy into line, or preferably Imprisonment.
The following is ONLY a guideline for you to investigate further, please for the Children's sakes, don't be lazy and expect that the same Bureaucracy or Politicians will necessarily help or guide you in good Faith, regarding any negligence causing Breast Cancer, or any of the others.
The State of Western Australia Government I believe are grossly and/or actually likely to be Criminally Negligent, especially in regard to Child Leukemia.
Governments regularly advertise, don't drink excessively, don't drink whilst Pregnant, don't get obese (the Carcinogens I will write of regrettably, can and do cause obesity and accumulate in Body Fat) don't eat fast foods, don't smoke, etc.WHY? because they can cause Cancers illnesses, they can be bloody unhealthy, fair enough?
Please, please
look at the Government advice; Cancer is the leading cause of death from disease in children in AustraliaNow please
look at potential causes, the silent killing Carcinogens that are virtually "Taboo" for the Bureaucracy to debate with the thinking (OR MOSTLY NOT THINKING) PublicThese very same Carcinogens most probably have the capacity to exacerbate or perhaps even CAUSE much of the broader range of Cancers, Womb, Ovarian, Blood, Esophagus, Brain, Liver, Stomach, Colon, etc, etc. Please read about Dieldrin and Chlorpyrifos for a few minutes.
Children's Cancer .... Fighting childhood cancer
Cancer Australia is undertaking a range of initiatives to increase Australia’s capacity to support quality research and give hope to children with cancer and their families.
Cancer is the leading cause of death from disease in children in Australia and survival rates for some cancers common among children have not improved in more than 25 years.
The Australian Government announced funding of $5.8 million Cancer Australia in The 2017-2018 Budget to fight childhood cancer through increased research capacity to advance the diagnosis, treatment, management and analysis of childhood cancer, improve outcomes for low survival childhood cancer, and to improve data and awareness.
Cancer Australia is also fast-tracking international research collaborations of paediatric brain cancer in Australia\
Fighting childhood cancer objectives
There are no known preventive measures for childhood cancer and
for some cancers there are no known effective treatments. Survival rates for some cancers common among children have not improved in more than 25 years. )-----------======-----------========------
Folk's , now as STATED; , the above is copied from Government information, the underlined
"THERE ARE NO KNOWN PREVENTATIVE MEASURES FOR CHILDHOOD CANCER", is an outrageous GOVERNMENT LIE. AND THEY, not only KNOW IT, but have KNOWN FOR DECADES!.PREVENTION BEING BETTER THAN CURE, surely PREVENTION of carcinogens that are known to be likely causes of such Cancers has to be at least a small step towards possible avoidance of
" third Generational Cancers"
PLUS; UNKNOWN MULTI GENERATIONS INTO THE FUTURE plus AGAIN far wider Environmental issues being caused.
The Western Australian Government and some Local Governments you may consider, TO
N.B. If you don't think that now perhaps if you research a bit more about DIELDRIN AND CHLORPYRIFOS you may have a change of heart .
Maybe wonder why, it HAD NEVER EVER EVEN OCURRED to you.
Please, please look again at the Government advice; Cancer is the leading cause of death from disease in children in Australia
These very same Carcinogens inevitably have the capacity to exacerbate or perhaps CAUSE a very much broader range of the Cancers, Womb, Blood, Ovarian, esophagus, Brain, Liver, stomach, Colon, plus behavioral disorders you just name it,.ISN'T NEGLIGENCE ACTUALLY THE BIGGEST SINGLE KILLER OF OUR WOMEN AND CHILDREN?
Or can it be
ignorance?, NOT in a derogatory fashion,
but IN a MOST UNFORTUNATE WAY, IN THAT; people impacted upon by these dreadful diseases,
just seem to accept it as entirely natural
When that is assuredly VERY far from the truth. in far to many casesBut isn't that quite a lot to do with the
Media/BUREAUCRACY declining to inform us?, keeping us ignorant or COMPLETELY unaware !At times I wonder if the APATHY OF THE WEST AUSTRALIAN GENERAL PUBLIC, exceeds the Bureaucracies neglect, causing far too much illness and distress, as obviously people power could enforce the Government into appropriate action rather than coverups, do such people exist anymore?Recognition, media exposure, positive action could surely achieve better outcomes than the complete lack of these.
PLEASE WAKE UP, for these Females and Children, it need not be.
PLEASE STUDY LIKELY OR POSSIBLE IMPACTS CAUSED BY DIELDRIN, CHLORPYRIFOS ( and many others, perhaps not even deemed dangerous on their own.
But possibly increasing the volatility of Carcinogens if combined " synergism") , added into in a cocktail of heavy metals and other determinable Carcinogens and the insidious nature of these silent killers, perhaps those other substances may exacerbate the problems, but without any shadow of doubt, eliminate these and halve the impacted upon, who knows, maybe in three generations get it down to 20%.Do nothing and the McGowan Government prophesizes A WHOPPING 35% INCREASE IN THE NEXT DECADE,, n.b. This isn't about political parties,
it is about people, the Community, the Nation.WILL YOUR Breast's AND BABIES DRAW THE SHORT STRAW?Please, at least try to protect these children.
Local Growers more than twenty years ago,
close to heavily and increasingly Carcinogen contaminated Shire of Serpentine and Jarrahdale sites, included Rabbits, sheep, Goats, Chickens, Eggs, Pork, Beef, Ducks, Geese (for the Health conscience vegetarians) vegetable's "a lot of it claimed Halal",
Dieldrin and Chlorpyrifos are just a couple of the many Carcinogens that ought to be considered, since they are quite readily determined in a considerable percentage of those suffering from THESE AILMENTS within West Australia. and perhaps many more across the Nation, overseas, should they have consumed foodstuffs from seriously Contaminated areas, (Which could be your own Gardens) OR;
In the Shire of Serpentine and Jarrahdale, West Australia, Officials have known of Carcinogens escaping from Contaminated Properties for some decades, they have been aware of the risks of Airborne and Groundwater Carcinogens AND THE likelyhood of such travelling to foodstuff producers.Two decades of negligence is near enough for these two Carcinogens mentioned to pass between three generations, Granny to Grandchild. The Shire Officers are very well aware of these facts, as are Councilors.The extent of blame, should there be so, with the sites that are mentioned in the Shire of S&J, can be shared to some extent with the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation, the WESERN AUSTRALIAN Health Department, The Environmental Protection Authority, Waters and Rivers Commission, Water and Catchment Protection) and equally negligent or inept Parliamentary Committees or Bureaucracy.
These include;
The Standing Committee on Constitutional Affairs (1989 - 2001)
Legislative Council
Committee Members
Chairman: Mr Murray Davidson Nixon MLC Deputy Chairman: Members: Hon. Ray Halligan MLC Hon. Ken Travers MLC and Hon; Tom Laws MLC
Staff: Ms Felicity Mackie, LLB (Advisory Officer) Mr David Driscoll (Committee Clerk)
The Committee;
Were advised that
the Rabbit Farm's bore, had increased in DEADLY! Carcinogens and Contaminates some TEN FOLD IN ONE YEAR!Mr Fred Tromp (Director, Resource Science, Department of Environment, Water and Catchment Protection),
told the Committee that the Housewife/ Mother (Mrs. Khadija Omram) had died (After such Carcinogens in their Bore, had so dramatically increased) , yet the Committee failed to call any Health Department Official, nor was the Ladies Coroner advised that she had been drinking water from such a seriously Contaminated Bore!.The Committee were likewise advised of the groundwater flow being towards a Meat Bird Chicken Farm and Vegetable growers. . Plus of course Many, Many Residents, their Stock, their Pets, their children.Please read it for yourselves, but
the Departments by and large spent hours convincing the Committee of the need for 100's of thousands of litre's of Carcinogenic Contaminated waters to be discharged REGULARLY into a stream that they called a Drain, (a stream or river flowing from a hillside, drains the hillside is it a stream or drain? whatever the classification)
should you dare to tip half a can of paint into a river, stream or drain, you'll get nicked,But our Bureaucrats spent hours convincing
( according to Greens M.P. Jim Scott, a couple of Fools led by a right wing moronic hypocritical idiot ) of the need to discharge such into a waterway, the more important omission possibly being, should you look , the lack of verified level of carcinogens being dumped into the waterway, OR IF THEY REALLY PROPERLY TESTED!DEPART OF ENVIRONMENT AND CONSERVATION, (Currently DWER) Assistant Director DR. JOHN OTTAWAY HAD ALREADY BEEN " CAUGHT OUT TESTING TO A FAR LESSER STRINGENCY, THAN WAS DEEMED APPROPRIATE FOR HIS DEPARTMENT'S STIPULATED LICENCE CRITERIA at the premises"! They only "claimed" to test 50 metres downstream (
DR Steve Appleyard DWER also referred to testing 500 metres downstream,
well why not the Peel Inlet 50 Ks away? ) and 10 metres upstream
which may not have been on the same days of the Carcinogenic Discharge for all we know, discharges were conducted in utter secrecy, absolutely no Public Transparency, if there were "bona fide" testing at all.IT IS ALSO TRAGICALLY APPARENT, THAT THE OMRANS /RABBIT FARM BORE AND OTHER IMPACTED UPON NIEGHBOURS BORES WOULD OR COULD HAVE SUFFICED as MONITORING BORES for FURTHER needed GUIDELINES AS TO CONTAMINATION, had we Bureaucrats ADHERING TO, a Duty of Care to safeguard the Public, an obvious and available avenue of investigation that was never pursued, much because they ALREADY knew the incriminating conclusion.The Omrans Bore having determined escalating Carcinogen Levels prior to "their taking fill themselves",.
Yet ask any honest person in Industry, such Carcinogenic or even very far less so contaminating, THAN THE BUREAUCRATS WERE ALLOWING TO ACCESS THE STREAM, GROUNDWATER AND ENVIRONMENT.IN reputable premises is carted away to suitable Quality controlled treatment facilities, as it was done back in that era, WITH OTHER PRODUCERS OF those as stipulated EVEN FAR LESS CONTAMINATING PRODUCTS. .Are they virtually tipping that half can of paint down a toddlers throat? (Massive fish kills occurred in the Serpentine River downstream following discharges and there were stock deaths)Standing Committee considerably slacker on the possibly of more volatile Groundwater
( Perhaps more than 5,000,000 chicklets were deposited at a Meat Bird Chicken Farm during the period of testing water that indicated Carcinogens. And it should be notable, that the Contaminating premises had been operating for some years, before Water running from the site had been obtained, so possibly double to 10,000,000 chicklets. of which many succumbed.
Now it is entirely normal for a number of meat birds (chicklets) to die, within their about 6 week lifespan, what small percentage I do not know, relates to Husbandry and genetic weakness I'd guess.
But what is known, is that the Chicken Farm had increases in Deaths, pretty much in line with the escalating or annual "DOUBLING" , of Carcinogens determined in Laboratory Reports of the Contaminated Properties Water runoff.Which were 1997; 0.004 ug/L 1998, 0.08 ug/L 1999, 0.16 ug/L 2000 0.32 ug/L 2001 0.4 ug/L
WHICH "ANNUAL" DOUBLING, THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ( SHIRE OF SERPENTINE AND JARRAHDALE) THE STATE AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS ARE AND WERE FULLY AWARE OF.What is important, is that say, 1st year 10% of chickens die, and 90% go to human consumption, next year can we suggest for arguments sake that 20% succumb? 80% go for Human Consumption and on and on till an almost total wipeout of Meat birds saw the Farm Cease to trade.
(n.,b. An unknown by myself equation, that needs to be considered is the underground water speed, to travel the approx 1.2 Kilometres, which can vary greatly, especially with the draw down effect of Pumps.)The next step that you need to comprehend is whatever the ratio of Meat Bird deaths per year, the need to understand THAT; say the first year 10% succumb, the 90% having lived longer have obviously consumed far more water than those that died, at that year of our lowest amount of Carcinogens determined. so I conclude that 90% had a lower Carcinogen level than following years, if going to human consumption, perhaps according to Dr John Ottaway "low risk",.
((But remember please, even if Dr. John Ottaway's Dept; and The Health Dept; perhaps say, Amber-Jade Sanderson, Western Australia's Minister for Health,. Dr D.J. Russell-Weisz. Professor Paul Kelly, Pierina Otness, Michael Jackson, Dr Paul Psailor Savona, OWEN Ashby et al,.Claim that it is "low Risk" for you and your Great, Great Grandchildren, isn't it in the very least a choice that you should be able to make ? Especially so
in the State of Western Australia with the VERY HIGHEST PER CAPITA IT SEEMS, OF CHILDREN WITH LEUKAEMIA, WITHIN THE NATION?. Shouldn't these characters have a Duty of Care , to "err on the side of Caution, FOR OUR DESCENDANTS"?.
IS IT YOUR CHOICE TO SMOKE? Drink excessively? do drugs, encourage the kids to?
But as the years progressed and
with "annual doubling of determined Carcinogens" by then way above Environment, Horticulture, Stock, Health recommended Levels,Say we pick a year with a hypothetical 50% CHICKEN deaths and 50% survive for human consumption, that would surely be 50% of potential Meat Birds obviously with by then far,
FAR greater amounts of the Carcinogens if sold to the General Public,
Determined, as obviously indicated by the increased death rate, which suggest's to me, are they unlike virtual Carcinogen Pills?(Ought the question to be asked, why with escalating death rates of stock, was the producer allowed to carry on producing, with all of the Departments and Shire Council Health and Environmental Officers knowledge?.)
These carcinogen "Pill" Meat Birds shared by say a family of four, perhaps with visitors surely multiply the risks to the unsuspecting Public.
Again as with the Birds survival or deaths,
like with our Boobs and Babies its quite a lot to do with genetics on the one hand and Criminal Negligence on the other perhaps.
upposing ONLY 2,000,000 of the afore mentioned possible 5,000,000 Meat Birds went to human consumption, shared between families, amounts to a considerable amount of unnecessary and foolish risk, wouldn't you think?.
2,000,000 Family Meals, Parents, two Children, a couple of guests 6 to 8 people, isn't that 12,000,000 to 16,000,000 people?
ow risk according to The Hon Tanya Plibersek MP Minister for the Environment , our own "Local Boy" , Hon Reece Whitby MLA Minister for Environment and their Departments.But a completely and unnecessary foolish risk if it could have been avoided, WHICH IT CERTAINLY COULD HAVE BEEN.For instance buy a Lottery ticket, one off say $20, low risk of any return, then the dollars have gone.
But buy a Chicken in this Government Chook Raffle, GET A GOOD ONE without Carcinogens AND YOU and your Family HAVE WON!But buy a Carcinogen Contaminated Bird you have three generations of impact to win, couple it with some local vegetables, certainly boosts your chances of impact over multi generations.Has Councilor Atwell some Beef to sell you? he comes from a decent Family, good people, Got some sausages Dave,? Atwell cattle were agisted the second paddock West of these sites or downstream of these contaminated sites
Likewise Councilor Dave Gossage ditto from a decent Family, Clrs Jan Star, Denyse Needham, John Price,
Clr Police Sergeant Ian Richardson, Clr/MP Tony Simpson (Well? No Comment)Buy 10,000,000 Lotto tickets and you're sure to get a low percentage of Dollars back, OK?
So to A REVERSE OF CHANCES, in these Governments Carcinogenic Chook Raffle, say 10,000,000 potential chickens , just from this one small producer, definitely Had the capacity to IMPACT UPON NOT ONLY THOUSANDS OF CONSUMERS, BUT MULTI GENERATIONS AFTER.
Who really knows the percentage that are impacted upon? but its obviously likely to be colossal in
the State of Western Australia with it seems to me the highest per Capita of Children suffering from Child Leukaemia. 10,000,000 multiplied by a Family of four, 40,000,000 a couple of guest's 60,000,000Obviously we don't have 60,000,000 Citizens, so how this figure is divided, has to be I think, largely down to individuals chicken consumption, does a Family eat such daily, weekly? Monthly or not at all?
Or Perhaps being vegetarian and relying upon Government Negligence, to contaminate them via the known vegetable growers, you work it out,.
Imagine then, if you will, residents topping up their Children's swimming Pools from their Bores, watering their "Organic gardens, watering Pets and Animals",. Selling or giving away their excess "Organic grown Vegetables, eggs etc" to friends and relatives
No matter perhaps how miniscule the amount of carcinogen you, your Mother, or Great, Great Grandmother may have consumed from contaminated foodstuff's or water, the risk is significant in that it has the capacity to bio accumulate and can cross generations as with females passing onto their babies within the "safety" of the womb, and/or with Breast Milk.
Of Which, such Public are presently, by and largely, in complete ignorance of the likelihood or possibilityDuring the 1970's to around the 1990's or perhaps way before these dates, Insurance companies used to insist upon, regular Spraying of residences- buildings against termites as a condition of being able to procure Insurance, a lot of you people not old enough to remember,, but ask your Grandparents, such instances can impact upon new born children today, that is the enormity of itBuildings including Private Residences, Schools, Universities, Hospitals, Work places, Cinema's, Restaurants, Hotels, you name it. Low Risk according to the Bureaucrats? with todays Cancer Rates increasing out of control? IMPORTANT!
Please read;
The accumulation and run-down of dieldrin in wethers grazed on paddocks previously treated with dieldrin By Tony Albertsen, Research Officer, Bunbury; Roy Casey, Regional Veterinary Officer, Bunbury; and Keith Croker, Senior Research Officer, Sheep and Wool Branch, South Perth
In mid 1987, the organochlorines (O/Cs) DDT, dieldrin, heptachlor and chlordane were deregistered for agricultural and horticultural use in Australia. These chemicals had been used widely, on land upon several hundred Western Australian farms.( THAT IS!, SEVERAL HUNDRED WESTERN AUSTRALIAN FARMS !!!! ) particularly farms where potatoes had been grown, were contaminated with chemical residues. Livestock grazing pastures on such land were and still likely are also contaminated, and "our beef exports were threatened".(
Sorry Folks got to chip in here, see the
referenced "level" of concern, Financial," BEEF EXPORTS WERE THREATENED"., absolutely no mention about the previous or ongoing threat to Women and Kids, from these Bastards and please note, no reference to the previous crops and the risks, through what ever possible length of time, they were readily distributed for the Public's consumption) The Western Australian Department of Agriculture started a two-year
project to collect information from sheep which were grazed on land that had previously been treated with O/Cs, particularly dieldrin. The levels of O/Cs in body and wool fats were monitored to obtain information on potential residues in export products. (Sorry Folks me chipping in, PLEASE NOTE LEVEL OF CONCERN again;
residues in "export Products",
Not one iota of concern for past, present, nor future Australian Women and Kids)
Sheep grazed on dieldrin-contaminated land had body fat residue levels that paralleled the seasonal pasture levels of dieldrin. These levels increased during summer and especially in autumn, and "decreased during winter and spring". "Wethers' grazed on land with 0.4 parts per million (ppm) dieldrin in the soil had body fat levels that exceeded the maximum permissible concentration (MFC) of 02 ppm.N.B. Please do not fail to note that the Government Officials only claimed: "Wethers' grazed on land with 0.4 parts per million (ppm) dieldrin in the soil had body fat levels that exceeded the maximum permissible concentration (MFC) of 02 ppm.",. Please OBSERVE; THAT THEY COMPLETELY FAILED TO ADVISE , JUST HOW MUCH THE PERMISSABLE CONCENTRATION OF 02 PPM, WAS EXCEEDED BY!( re; previous paragraph; decreased during winter and spring. It appears to me that there is an insinuation, re; "
body fat residue levels that paralleled the seasonal pasture levels of dieldrin. These levels increased during summer and especially in autumn, and "decreased during winter and spring" if such a fluctuation in stock is claimed as per "the decreased during winter and spring", its crap TO ANY SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT, IF AT ALL!, it doesn't regulate or diminish as readily in body fat, that is the problem with these Carcinogens)
Also re; the claim " this may well be DUE TO prolific grass and feed growth, escalating beyond immediate carcinogenic impact, which will PROBABLY OR inevitably catch up or probably concentrate later as feed escalation diminishes with lesser water supply, PROBABLY aiding increased carcinogenic impact.) Their body fat residues increased with higher levels of soil contamination, especially on poorly structured (loose, dusty) soils. However, once stock were moved onto clean uncontaminated land their body fat levels of dieldrin almost halved every three weeks during the first three months they grazed clean land, until levels were below the MPC.(THis is Cobblers Folks, COMPLETE AND UTTER BOLLOCKS! if its wethers ! FOLKS, its complete and utter Bullshit,if it were true,
which it ain't, quite surely, ALL WE WOULD HAVE TO DO IS DRAG THOSE poor, POOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN OUT OF THEIR CANCER WARDS AND GRAZE THEM UPON THESE CLEAN PADDOCKS FOR THREE MONTHS)The average wool fat level of 0.6 ppm dieldrin was well below the critical level of 3.0 ppm (Table 1), even on soils which contained 1.3 ppm dieldrin.
(Do you ever wonder if the Shearers, Wool Classers and Wool handlers were ever warned about any potential threat to either themselves, Families or contacts?)AND from another GOVERNMENT scam (WE PAY big, BIG DOLLARS FOR THESE JOKERS)
Before the sheep monitoring project started, preliminary information came from a
flock of Merino ewes agisted on a potato growing farm near Pemberton. Chlordane, dieldrin and heptachlor had accumulated in the body fat of pregnant ewes grazed during spring, summer and autumn and had reached concentrations above the MPCs of 0.2 ppm.Subsequently, the body fat levels of these O/Cs
fell rapidly over the three months during which the ewes were lactating on land not previously treated with O/Cs. The levels of dieldrin, heptachlor and chlordane did not exceed 0.6 ppm in the wool fats at any stage of the grazing.
When grazing on the potato farm had finished the average level of DDT in the wool fat was above 2 ppm, a level of concern. ( A LEVEL OF CONCERN !) But
FOLK'S, bureaucratic three card trickery, how many of you noted that; "
levels of dieldrin, heptachlor and chlordane", information, seems to have fell away, to the following sentence referring only to DDT? What happened to the previous carcinogens? Now would you please read between the lines, for potential lack of information, for instance please decipher the previous sentence; When grazing on the potato farm had finished the average level of DDT in the wool fat was above 2 ppm, a level of concern.1/. Have you noted that the information NEGLECTS TO ADVISE, JUST HOW FAR ABOVE 2ppm?2/. Wouldn't you think that the Public should have been made aware?3/. Ought the Bureaucrats put Caviate's or Memorials upon the properties Certificates of Titles, to warn future Residents and neighbours? if so ? did they?, If not, Why Not?4/. Government information refers in the article to poor soil types, "loose dusty soils", which is known to be windblown, which is likely to settle on roofs etc that are catchments for drinking water (would you think that Government would seek to lessen the risk, by dealing with such risks?VASSE RESEARCH STATION M J J A S O N D 1989 Trial finishes end of 1990 ¥
This investigation showed the potential hazard of grazing sheep on contaminated land before slaughter.
However, there were several problems( PROBLEMS!!!, OK FOLK'S me chipping in again, BIGGEST PROBLEMS, MAINLY OF HOW TO LIE THEIR WAY AROUND IT, THE very LAST SENTENCE OF THIS PARAGRAPH SHOWS YOU one way HOW perhaps) associated with the study because the ewes were rotated between paddocks which did not have large amounts of ground cover and
they subsequently lambed and lactated after they were returned to the clean farm. "The effect of these factors on the O/C levels could not be measured !".Got it? "The effect of these factors on the O/C levels could not be measured !". BULLDUST!There are a couple of such propaganda sites referring to such;; SOME carry a scam CAN YOU TWIG THIS ONE?
Lactating ewes, Like Human Mothers sharing their Carcinogens with their Babies via Womb and Breast Milk, Ewes can discard the Carcinogens into the lambs in the womb, and further discharge amounts, via their milk . 7/OUT OF 10 IF YOU TWIGGED IT
The insinuation that wethers lowered their Carcinogen count, I reckon is a load of dishonest Bureaucracy Cobblers FOLKS. Human Males find it extremely difficult to lower Carcinogen levels, isn't the surgical removal of fatty tissue the surest?SUCH Contaminated Properties, mentioned or not. Are considerable within W.A.
(The Governments advises " several hundred Western Australian farms",
n.b. Several hundreds of possible/probable flocks of Sheep, Herds of Cattle.)YET
do not seem to have had many, if ANY Memorials put on the Properties " Certificate's of Title", advising the Carcinogen risk's, so that new owners would likely be completely unaware of the risks involved, if so, a most shockingly, UNBELIEVABLE and terrible negligence by the AuthoritiesDon't ask about the Beef! ain't got time, but its not at all good, , sorry folks
(Western Australia has good Farmers, some of the VERY best dry Land Farmers in the World, SURELY it is Bureaucratic bungling, idiocy to blame entirely, coupled to a NEAR non existent AND PROBABLY shameless Media)
The Liar, Dr. John Ottaway smugly and condescendingly advised to the effect that the
Committee and/or persons could consume a certain amount of carcinogens in water over about 70 years to the effect of "little or no apparent effect", ( read the Hansard yourself, for his actual words)
But the truth actually is, that VERY same amount OR EVEN LESSER amounts could have adverse impacts much, MUCH sooner, OR TRANSFER to MULTI GENERATIONS !TO BE TRANSFERRED TO THE UNBORN and EVEN kill! ,
So why contemplate or allow such completely unnecessary risks anyway? (other than to be perhaps on a $25 to $30 million Gravy Train,
ask Greg Milner and Noel Davies of "Aurora Environmental" maybe, "Noel Davies was a Government Officer at two of the contaminating site's", plus the pair became Environmentally connected to the rapidly expanding Contaminated site's under "Alan Tingay and Ass;") then again as I point out, the multi generational bio accumulation effects.
Further Ottaway neglected to fully inform the Committee it seems to me, of the other potential risks from a vast range of other foodstuffs (AS ABOVE, sheep, Lambs, Wethers) similarly with "Low" Government acceptable amounts of these bio accumulative Carcinogens, fed to some perhaps unsuspecting innocents perhaps, or inevitably what with indicated, chickens, Sheep, Beef vegetable, eggs etc MANY PROBABLY consuming such on a daily or weekly basis.Had you noticed that the Govt; advice neglected to show testing of the newborn Lambs on these "Clean Paddocks"? i.e. if everyting was hunky dory, SOME idiots may have the perception that the lambs being born to clean paddocks would be entirely free of the Carcinogens, They would not be so,. what LOWLIFE scammers
Sadly impact , is largely down to genetics to a considerable degree, Ashkenazi Jewish Women for instance are far more susceptible to Breast cancer, more so in fact than caucasians, .
Just how does that "Low Risk" claim set with the Jews? I would just love District Court Judge Laurie Levi and Perth Head Rabbi .Rabbi Daniel Liat Lieberman to Publicly justify the continued ingestion.That their continued silence seems to me to encourage .These two sites were I consider, extremely privileged by the Standing Committee's negligence and also the claims submitted by the DWER (DEP _ DEC) representatives, plus the Shire of Serpentine and Jarrahdale Officials,
Err, at this point, did I mention that the site can be quantity surveyed to assess , I'd guess about $25 Million to $30 Million gained in Tipping Fees of known Contaminated Demolition Waste?, much of which $25 to $30M went missing? or was widely unaccounted for An amount I'd guess could potentially fund or slide a considerable amount of coin to a Paedophile Judge or Cop if you knew a few of each. (That certainly ain't Laurie Folks, if you're jumping to conclusions, jump higher)And please don't be naive enough to suggest the Triple C, Crime and Corruption Commission, they are VERY well aware. But not capable TO DATE of connecting a $25 to $30 Milllion child and Public Carcinogenic contamination issue, to the long term sufferers.
The sites were deemed to
have installed "Monitoring Bores" at the premises, PRIOR TO SHIRE of Serpentine & Jarrahdale ,
The DWER insisted upon such "Monitoring Bores" being PROPERLY INSTALLED ,
""" before being granted A
However, the necessity for the Bores ceased it seems to me from the very moment that these Carcinogens were determined running freely from the premises and the level of Contamination disclosed at a Public Meeting.When surely after such a discovery the need for such Monitoring Bores was GREATLY enhanced.
When the facts of the Carcinogens escaping into the Environment were made Public at That Mundijong Public Meeting,
Shire President COLLEEN RANKIN, immediately, shut that Meeting down !.
Successfully preventing further Public Debate, transparency, disclosure and discovery.(I constantly wonder just how many have been impacted upon by illness's since that date?,
Or the multiplied, possibly as yet unborn, that are likely to ) CAN THAT HAG SLEEP NIGHTS?
As the DWER and Shire of Serpentine and Jarrahdale were made aware,
The Levels of Carcinogens doubled,, DOUBLED Annually for six years from the premises, when due to extreme violence, Bent Police, Magistrate's and District Courts, it became far to dangerous for Citizens to try to test..
I don't think that The Monitoring Bores have ever been installed to this day, with local foodstuffs still being produced.Indeed,
Stipulated DEWR Licence conditions have neglected to be carried out to even to this day upon these privileged sites! 12 Bird Road and adjoining 1 Jackson road, as the DEWR AND Shire of Serpentine and Jarrahdale are very well aware.N.B. Property Street or Road numbers identifying properties in that area, have been altered since. A number of CONTAMINATION affected people, in the vicinity
are known to have been enticed, or encouraged into
"SECRECY AGREEMENTS",including the Rabbit Farm
whose Mother /Wife had deceased.
Now how can it be either, fit, right, proper, Legal or otherwise worthy for Local GOVERNMENT , State or Federal Governments, to be Party to "Secrecy Agreements"??, Designed to, and/or with the capacity to hide serious life threatening Carcinogens?That potentially hides probably a myriad of Carcinogens currently found in the unfortunate but unsuspecting innocents, ill or dying NOT ONLY today, but for the next three generations AT LEAST!.(
Law Society CEO David Price served on the Council Staff and was the Shire CEO, for a number of years around this era, Sue Langmair ditto with Law Society served at that same time with the Shire of Serpentine and Jarrahdale her spouse/partner connected to the negligent CCC)
How can it possibly be that impacted upon property owner(s) can Be secretly PAID OFF (AND PERHAPS RATHER HANDOMELY) PERHAPS FROM A PUBLIC PURSE, MORE THAN LIKELY INCOME TAX FREE!
To keep quiet about Carcinogens and Contaminates that any fool knows can kill or impact upon multi generations.?Surely in a thinking or caring society, it can not happen, but please be assured, it is and furthermore as the Authorities named are FULLY aware of.
Where is any integrity in that?Is it a further risk that these scurrilous characters have their hands on much of the records, that may vanish? just when you are trying to investigate say a child's or females needless impact?
Just look at these curs antics with FOI Applications
Should you be unfortunately impacted upon in some way and you, your Mum or Grandmothers have consumed foodstuffs from the area ( And I understand the Chickens and produce may have been exported interstate, throughout Australia or abroad, say East Timor, Soloman Islands, New Zealand )
The Hansard from the Committee would be important reading, NOT THE COMMITTEE'S PROPAGANDA REPORT!,
GET THE HANSARD OR I CAN SUPPLY.(N.B. The Standing Committee on Constitutional Affairs did two "enquiries/bulldust investigations whatever they called the scams/neglect", the first with Tom Laws, who when told of the facts before you now, said that this was Political DYNAMITE!, he deferred from the second equally negligent scam? to be replaced by possibly the far more inept Ken Travers.)Then perhaps
contact DWER Staff', Dr Steve Appleyard and Alan Bradley who both gave evidence to the Committee. Other DWER Staff Michelle Brierley, Jason Nelson, Andrew Jefferies, Dr Steve Appleyard, may not help, but they could, if abiding by their "Duty of Care", rather than ( I surmise)
perhaps internal Dept pressure ; and/or perhaps BY FAR PERHAPS, far more likely, I think, State Govt; Ministerial Pressure..Regarding these sites of rapidly increasing Carcinogens, check with aerial Maps/photos if you will, but I think the sites may have been initiated about 1986-7 so 36 years? of Carcinogenic negligence?
DWER Officer Andrew Jefferies advised of Lot 12 Bird and Lot 1 Jackson Roads;
Andrew Jefferies <> |
| Thu, Oct 13, 2022, 11:45 AM
Good morning Paul,
I cannot comment of the Contaminated Status of these properties you are referring to, as this is private third party information, potentially commercially sensitive information as well.------__________------___________--------------________________
according to Health Official Pierina Otness, asbestos could be found generally throughout those premises, with known heavy Metals, Carcinogens discovered escalating and leaving the premises to be able to obviously impact upon others and the Environment, be a (we have to say here, with the vast amount of characters Local Government, the Bureaucracy, bent Police, dodgy Courts ready to swear otherwise)
"possible", source of contaminates, impacting upon the chicken farm and other Growers just over a kilometre away.And the DWER allege
I cannot comment of the Contaminated Status of these properties you are referring to, as this is "private third party information, potentially commercially sensitive information as well.'Well Bloody right , its commercially sensitive, and third Party information, but are not the Families impacted upon entitled " private Third Party people"?,.Of course it could be commercially sensitive, if DOSHWA, Worksafe,
"Honest" Shire Health or Environment Officers, the Employees, neighbors past and present, were to be informed of risks, the bloody place would perhaps be forced to make it safe for West Australian Citizens.,
As surely there are neighbors, Employees, the dead, dying or impacted upon, are Third Parties with equal rights as to a carcinogen/asbestos free existence, so to are not people consuming carcinogen contaminated foodstuffs surely entitled Third Parties?,
The DWER stating, "
as this is private third party information, potentially commercially sensitive information as well".Surely ordinary,
"run of the Mill' contaminators, are not also privy to the luxury or privilege of such exemption from adhering to NON Polluting practices such as seems were and perhaps still are, enjoyed at these premises, how can such be so?
The possible REAL truth I feel,
is the possible fact That the NEGLIGENCE of the DWER, Health Dept; Local, State and Federal Government LOW LIFE, LYING NEGLIGENT SCUM, are "the protected" under the "commercially sensitive", claim",.
Why not ask Amber-Jade Sanderson, Western Australia's Minister for Health.?PERSONALLY I'D TARGET
ALAN BRADLEY of the DWER FIRST, WHAT WITH BLOOD ON their departments HANDSProtect those children.
Local and State Government Policy seems to me to be ABOUT protecting the negligent, rather than their Duty bound obligations to the unsuspecting Residents/Public PERHAPS, currently being impacted upon, this if fact is a tragedy, in that their very own Families/friends can be affected by their continued negligence
Beyond any shadow of doubt whatsoever, had these Carcinogens been dealt with properly then and since, a colossal amount of todays Cancer victims would inevitably not be so affected, many of the deceased, would have most probably still been around.
THAT IS IRREFUTABLE!Today if we try to remedy,
we already have multiple generations OF POTENTIALLY IMPACTED UPON (to whatever known or unknown degree)
to deal with, AN IMMEASUREABLY DIFFICULT TASK, but that 1000 mile journey starts with the first step;Recognition,
2nd step, Action to prevent, perhaps, But pro-activity quite obviously surpasses;
Inactivity, Deceit, Contrived Criminal Negligence, CORRUPTION !!!!Are you in a position whereby, you wish at this very moment, that some Government fools like the Standing Committee and the Bureaucracy had started with that small step more than two decades ago?
Should you be in such a position, I am very sad for you and YOUR LOVED ONES, SINCERELY, I apologize for not being able to do more, yet I have tried.
We smugly consider ourselves to be an intelligent species, whilst our Women and children are impacted upon in droves,FOLKS, ISN'T THIS ACTUALLY A HOLOCAUST? SHOULD IT BE CALLED GENOCIDE?Chemotherapy I have been told is worse than Breast Cancer, what does it do to these poor suffering Australian Children. i.e Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) In years to come?
And that in most or many cases, could have been AVOIDABLE PTSD
AND THAT BEING FOR THE " LUCKY" SURVIVORS!Not withstanding the fact that complete families are subjected to incredible amounts of such stress, much of which without any doubt, could have been avoided.Personally I wonder how some Officials can sleep nights,
I suspect that the two most contaminating sites may have had Government Employee involvement and/or perhaps financial advantage outside of their normal work Duties, read the Hansard and draw your own conclusions, when being objective to their misinformation, negligence and possible reasons for their actions, when being paid from the Public Purse..
Either way, perhaps singly and/or collectively some of these people have blood on their hands
as far as I am concerned, a great deal of blood. ESPECIALLY DR Steve Appleyard and Alan Bradley in my opinionOBVIOUSLY WE HAVE TO EXPECT THE OLD LABELLINGS, SUCH AS "CONSPIRACY THEORIST", NO, SORRY, NO SUCH AGENDA,, THIS IS FACT, if THE UNFORTUNATE, MANY OR MOST CURRENTLY ILL, DEAD OR DYING , CAN BE LINKED TO THESE COMMON CARCINOGENS, THATS NOT MY CALL, IT IS a FACTUAL RISK OF HUGE PROPORTIONS AND DUE ALMOST ENTIRELY TO BUREAUCRATIC NEGLIGENCE.Do you dare label or imply me so, at the ongoing expense of these poor sufferers? To save the credibility of crooks? the Negligent? at the expense of the future generations? Can you possibly be that stupid? or bent to try it?Due to the amount of disingenuity of the Collective Officials involved, I fear that the Sites could have involved a possible inter Departmental Staff setup, with the level of Training/education/Position, obviously malice aforethought
Pierina Otness and Owen Ashby were Health Officials at the time, (as were many others in the Health Department who were very well aware of the risks of these sites and a myriad of others) in the sites relative infancy. Surely the Health Departments failure to advise locals and Local Food Growers of produce sold and consumed in West Australia and beyond of the risks contributes to a degree of negligence (if not Criminal Negligence?) That is likely connected to past, present and future victims of a wide range of illness's.
As stated those sites can be quantity surveyed even to today, to calculate the probable cash intake around perhaps $25 million to $30 Million
gained from dumping known notorious Noxious wastes onto low lying hay Paddocks adjacent TO, or part of "Bushplan Wetlands", that floods regularly , much of which $25 to $30 Million seems to have vanished perhaps, or at least "Officially",.But such wealth can never be worth the degree of suffering that it has caused and will continue to cause for decades to come and
please note Fred Tromps advice to the Committee , that there were some 17 or 18 other similarly contaminating site's operating at that time,( Please Multiply that risk factor into the probability of impact upon your friends, relatives and loved one's),
Consider ALSO the HUNDREDS OF FARMS THE GOVERNMENT MENTIONED, MANY possibly unknowingly, innocently contaminating their own Families today surely such negligence is sue able,
would the purchase price of the PROPERTIES have been the same had they known of some hundreds of acres of CARCINOGENIC contamination?. That they perhaps unknowingly became liable for.Believe me or contact the DWER Staff mentioned to confirm that there are many, MANY more sites today, most without monitoring Bores.Can these negligent Ministers and Officials actually be considered as child killers?, surely it has to be beyond manslaughter or "accidental Deaths",.?
Surely if preconceived, its malice aforethought? Intent? isn't it?The Government I.E.
Amber-Jade Sanderson Minister for Health surely has to be Liable to some degree,M.P.'s won't ask questions about Women and Children dying in droves, when indisputably, many could have been avoided to Date,.MINISTERS FAIL TO QUESTION THEIR DEPARTMENTS, Women and children sufferTHE PERCENTAGE OF DEATHS OF THESE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN WOMEN AND CHILDREN, suppose around 1000 children, maybe 1250 TO 1500 females PERHAPS succumb Per Annum,.
With thousands more ill or at risk.
Consider please, even if only say only 10% could be determined reasonably, probably or Possibly connected to the Government negligence in a Court of Law ( obviously not a W.A. Government appointed Beak Please, or I predict it ain't gonna happen.)
Then that 10% is twenty or fifty% too many Folks
Would any Legal onus be upon victims to show impact? or FOR the Govt; aided with your countless RATES, TAXES TO Legal funding, Political appointed Beaks, to show that they did not have in the slightest likelyhood of contamination,? n.b. see Standing Committee conclusionNOW please be assured,
every State and Federal M.P. NOT ASKING QUESTIONS IN THE PARLIAMENT, TODAY, is VERY WELL aware of this issue and has been for some time,
( Folk's these negligent M.P.'s are in my opinion, words fail me,, well surely there can't be a lower life form, is it any wonder that they are in opposition? Well then again, it isn't opposition really is it?, Surely its compliance, a hoax, an orchestrated pretense, for the gullible))Beyond any doubt, the amount of adversely impacted upon from this day onwards, may be lessened with appropriate action, but further negligence can quite surely only make things worse . FAR WORSE!The Media don't print, there's No "60 Minutes", champing at the Bit, ready to roll, for these Babies and Boobs, why is That?
There are area's in Perth and the Suburbs, where older premises are regularly demolished to build new buildings, if
such Termiticides are on these sites, AND MOST do have, that Would be a local risk, neighbors, future Residents, if "IF !" ALL OF THE CARCINOGENS are taken to landfill's these inevitably leak, at risk to groundwater, Bores, Aquifers that we rely upon , or the Indian Ocean, if soils go to Recyclers, guess the rest.
As to where possibly recycled to. WITH WHAT WARNINGS?
Many innocent subdividers, expressed disbelief, apparently completely unaware to such concerns,,
WITH THOUSANDS ILL OR DECEASED, I AM NOT POLITICAL, ITS SHARED EQUALLY AND FAIRLY WITH EVERY POLITICIAN, SINCE at least CHARLES COURT, This WEBSITE,,, ISN'T ABOUT SERPENTINE AND JARRAHDALE SITES PER SE. That is just the evidence available, of the Neglect that can be investigated PROPERLY, or fudged again with a handpicked shonky Government Appointed Investigator, Beak or Committee.
But exposing the far FAR greater risk perhaps, of the expanded area that Fred Tromp advised the Standing Committee of, what ? 17 other sites?.WHICH if similarly mismanaged by his and The Health Departments, with the PREVIOUSLY PERCEPTED POTENTIAL impact upon these poor Women, Children, the Environment, SUFFERING TODAY and all of the tomorrows imaginable, in Australia, leaves us in a seriously sad and frightening position. With Deildrin, Chlorpyrifos detectable in a very considerable percentage of the unfortunate Victims
Why, Why, WHY Grannie?
I feel tired all the time Grannie, why has my hair fallen out?
Hush Child, you’ll soon be getting better
Auntie Jean came with the twins on Tuesday after breakfast really early
their hair so lovely Grannie, glistening Ginger and Curly
just like mine was, but only better
The Doctor said that I can push you over the new walkway tomorrow,
Over the new Walkway, into Kings Park
When will Mummy come and see me again Grannie?
A few more days my Dear
That’s what Auntie Jean said Grannie, but she was crying as she lie's
why do you keep turning away Grannie
and keep wiping at your eyes ?
Little Annie died yesterday and brave Stephen the night before
Last week there’s three or four more
It only takes a month sometimes Gran, to tally up a score
Grownups think we are stupid, why did you just sigh?
You think that we don’t know, when yet another dies?
Nurse McGaverty used to be a Nun Gran, she’s near to cracking up
She is our litmus paper, we all know when another passes just watch her red rimmed eyes,
listen for her sobs
As she unholy curses Yahweh, Allah, God
We don’t tell the toddlers or the littlies Gran
But we think they understand
But we are old at 7 or 9 and we know I will probably never be a man
You lost your hair before I was born
Mum has just lost hers,
her hair was just so lovely Gran
Blonde and smelt so sweet
Cascading as she hugged me goodnight, onto my pillow and my sheet.
Nurse McGaverty pushed me over the Kids Walkway yesterday
We call it Hellfire Pass,
rumoured that to cross it thrice
That third will be your last
The littlies are as scared of it as mice
And Gran when you wheel me over
You know that will be my twice
We know its true, you just ask a Nurse
They also fear it true, McGavity says its cursed
We say to those that leave alive
And as adults go for a drive
Don’t ever cross that bridge again
But never, never, ever forget
those poor, poor children in their suffering and their pain
Gran it covers a pack of Health Department lies
Gran, The score or more a month that dies
Little Sally, oh so very small and frail,
She fought it like a Tiger Gran,, though she looked so fragile and so pale
She beat it Gran, she Beat it
She left us early May
As she left we all shouted, hip hooray
But Gran when she went home, I cried and cried in bed
Gran oh Gran, I was so very selfish, wished I’d gone home instead
I asked Nurse when can I go home and heard her stifled cries
Saying fight it , fight it Dear Boy, think positive and pray,
Gran I heard her muttered prayer, she prayed,
"Another passed you Bastard, this Hell you’ve caused on Earth,
why not create them sterile, save the pain and joy of Birth
When Peter calls my worn out soul and I tell him of your lies
Sure as Hell if I see you, I will spit right in your eyes",.
As she gave me her loving Blarney and we passed along our way.
Kings Park was nice and sunny I could hear the birds whistle call and sing
Saw a Doves nest in a Bush, two parents feed a single fledgeling
Saw other children run and laugh and shout and caper
Nurse bought me an Anzac Biscuit and a giant Fresh Mango Milkshake Tower
but the curse of Chemo treatment, Gran you know so very well
every thing tastes like Blotting Paper
So sadly Gran I could’nt even smell,
the fresh mown grass or flowers